Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

Benefits of Kelor Leaves (no.7 Is So Great)

Benefits of Kelor Leaves
Image From: sehatalamiku.com
The world is not as wide as kelor leaves. The phrase we often hear in various media. Because the phrase that leaves kelor rise in popularity. Kelor or also known as merunggai is a tribe of flowering Moringa with high stem 7 to 11 meters.

In one stalk, the leaves are compound with double decker kelor spherical shape into small-sized eggs. The flower has white kelor slightly yellowish green stem with flowers. While the fruits have elongated triangular form called kelentang. Good leaf kelor nor could kelentang for vegetables.

Kelor leaves has a name that is different in each region. In Java, this plant is called limaran, in the United Kingdom called ben oil tree or drumstick tree, in Malay called heat, in Viet Nam is called chum ngay, in Thailand called marum, while in the Philippines it is called malunggay.

Benefits of Kelor Leaves

Behind its popularity, kelor leaves have benefits that may not have been known to many people. Kelor leaves contain benefits as good as most plants other living pharmacy. Kelor leaves stored in compounds that could serve as the body's nutrients.
For example, a tea made from the leaves of the kelor has high content of polyphenols as antioxidants that are beneficial. As we know, antioxidants are very good for the body as a substance to detoxify the human body even capable of strengthening the immune system of the human body. Consuming tea made from the leaves of the kelor can also help maintain skin health if taken regularly.

Read Also: Great Potions From Mango Leaves

1. Provides energy.

You could try making a tea from the leaves of the kelor to strengthen parts of the body to remain active throughout the day. Auto body will feel energized.
Sexy Body with easy way
Image From: product-images.imshopping.com

2. Keep your weight.

Ideal weight has become a dream for both men and women. To get your ideal body in a healthy way, you can routinely consuming leaf tea or either kelor vegetable. A research on the leaves of the plant shows kelor this one could help deal with digestive problems. The way it works by stimulating the body's metabolism burn calories faster.

3. Improve the function of excretion.

The function of the kidneys and liver can also be increased when consuming this tea kelor routine. The body will be fitter if waste disposal function.

4. Provide nutrients.

The tea leaves are great for keeping the kelor eye and brain health. If the brain is nutriedi well, then someone will be quick in taking the right decision even when it was in a tough situation.

Read Also: Benefits of BOOBS, the Loofah Fruit

5. Help digestion.

Consuming leaves kelor is great for troubleshooting on the stomach. For example, hard bowel movements or constipation.

6. Nourish the hair.

The nutrients contained in the tea leaves of the kelor is able to help promote hair growth so that it looked more shiny and healthy. Pick a few leaves of the old branch of the kelor, then mashed and apply to hair. Use the shampoo, then rinse with clean water.

7. Anti cancer.

In the research of tissue culture cells of cervical cancer published in the journal Food and Chemical Technology shows that kelor leaf extract has the ability to support premature cell death as well as prevent the reproduction of cancer cells. The study concluded that leaves kelor could be a natural cancer prevention potential.
Simple thing to make heart healthier
Image From: gymflow100.com

8. Heart disease.

Research on laboratory animals, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2009 showed that the leaves can be a source of antioxidants kelor as well as prevent damage to the heart. In such research, the granting of a dose of 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day for 30 days could make lower oxidized lipids so heart network protected from structural damage. However, further research is still needed to prove whether it applies to human beings or not.

Read Also: Benefits of Gambir (Uncaria gambier Roxb)

9. Help arthritis.

In journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine published February 2011, kelor leaves can help reduce inflammation and pain such as arthritis. In a study done to animals, leaves extract can reduce sensitivity to painful stimuli in cases of rheumatism. A study also revealed a combination of extracts of leaves and roots may reduce pain.

10. Anti diabetes.

The high zinc content could help overcome the disease of diabetes. Zinc is a mineral that is needed to produce insulin. In the journal of Diabetes published in June 2012, each 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight for 21 days can provide the benefits of anti diabetic quite significantly. These studies were carried out on animals.
Even though it provides many benefits and also can be used as a medicinal herb, kelor leaves also have side effects. The leaves, fruits, seeds and acorns are safe to be eaten. But avoid taking root. In some cases, the roots are poisonous and can cause kelor paralysis to death.
Chemicals in the roots, flowers, bark and could not be consumed by pregnant women because it can make the uterine contractions as well as allow the occurrence of miscarriage. But for nursing mothers, kelor leaves can be used to improve the production of breast milk. Some studies show regarding the possibility, but there hasn't been a more significant information.
How to Proceed Kelor Leaves
Image From: cdn2.tstatic.net
Then how to process the leaves into the food ready kelor consumed? From several sources that we're taking, processing leaves kelor can be sown so it could be dust on the food or it could be mixed in drinks such as juice or in syrup.
Here's how the processing of powder of the leaves of the kelor:
-Take the leaves as many as needed, kelor clean and then dry.
-When dry, mashed until smooth.
-Filter plant kelor leaves results.
-Put in a sealed container.
-Ready to be consumed.
Powder leaves kelor can be brewed with hot water as a tea kelor, sprinkled on food to taste.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Great Potions From Mango Leaves

About Benefits of Mango Leaf
Image From: onlymyhealth.com

Great Potions From Mango Leaves - Mango One of the favorite fruit of Indonesia's most widely known and very familiar with this fruit. The plants are not difficult to grow even though it took a long time too. You will often find in the pages of people's houses.

About Benefits of Mango Leaf

Did you know that the mango fruit originally came from India and then spread to the Southeast Asia region. The fruit is very popular and even become a culture of its own for some countries and cultures and beliefs. Among others in the Vedas by Hinduism, the mango is a "dish of the gods".

Mango leaves was used in rituals in the event of marriage or Hindu religious celebration. Meanwhile in the Philippines, the mango is used as a symbol of the state. Some relatives of mango, among others, is the fruit of rice dumplings, Mangifera odorata, kemang, and musk.

You probably already know mangoes with various benefits. This time we will discuss and recognize the benefits of mango leaves. Mango leaves turned out to have many health benefits and cure some diseases. The benefits of mango leaves among others, as an anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, diabetes, and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Classification of mango leaves a group of tannins called anthocyanidins, even doctors in Europe are already using mango leaves in a variety of treatment. They use mango leaf tea to cure diabetes, blood vessel problems, and cure some eye complaints. Here are some benefits of mango leaves for treatment of several diseases, some of which include chronic.

Read Also: Benefits of BOOBS, the Loofah Fruit

Benefits of Mango Leave as Potions
Image From: drhealthbenefits.com

Benefits of Mango Leave as Potions

Mango leaves benefits for Various Diseases

1. Diabetes Angiopathy

Diabetes angiopathy is a vascular disease caused by diabetes. Well, a tea made from mango leaves to work in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and hypertension. You can eat the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons mango, guava or papaya juice 1 cup to help strengthen fragile blood and veins.

2. Diabetes

Vascular disease due to diabetes can be cured then it means that diabetes can be. Mango leaf herb can relieve symptoms that occur because of diabetes. The trick is to soak it overnight in mango leaves in 1 cup of water. Then, on the morning drain the leaves and drinking.

Read Also: Benefits of Gambir (Uncaria gambier Roxb)

Mango leaves benefits for Cough Diseases
Image From: fitnessjournal.co.nz

3. Mango leaves benefits for Cough Diseases

Not only cough, mango leaves is also useful for asthma, bronchitis and colds. You can also gargle with a mixture of mango leaves to cure gum disease and reduce pain.

4. Diarrhea, fever, insomnia, and hypertension

Suffer from insomnia? Then the consumption of the actual herb mango leaves is easily obtained because nearly grown everywhere. In addition, these ingredients can be used to cure diarrhea and fever and treat hypertension.

Especially for people with high blood pressure or hypertension, you can not only eat but also add 3 cups of tea leaves of the mango into the bath water to get cool effects and spirit.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Persimmon For Pregnant Women, Body Health, and Diet

5. Gout

You can eat the leaves of mango with mango leaves way of brewing with hot water in the glass like some tea. Wait a minute until the hot water makes the leaves become brownish. Add a little white sugar to reduce bitterness. Then, please drink the infusion of the young mango leaves.

To get a mango leaves actually not so difficult, was to create a potion. Making potions just need a decoction or infusion only. Therefore, do not miss the benefits of mango leaves!

Selasa, 20 September 2016

Benefits of BOOBS, the Loofah Fruit

Image From: inetarticle.com

Benefits of Loofah Fruit - Lately we seem much discussed by the news of the appearance of the fruit of the plant that have a shape similar to a person breast lady. The name of that fruit is the loofah fruit. Perhaps loofah fruit is still unfamiliar to you. Loofah origin is from Vietnam, but today loofah fruit can be gotten across country. Loofah fruit has a pink color with a side end so enlarged and have a black bulge similar to the nipple on the breast. Indeed sounds a little vulgar, but the fruit is indeed really exists.

Benefits of Loofah Fruit For Human Health 

Loofah fruit has biological name Luffa Aegyptiaca Scientific name. Had indeed rather strange forms and to newly view it might be going a little hesitant to eat them. Typically, many people use Loofah fruit as a cooking ingredient as well as soups and other dishes and so get benefits of using a loofah.

what is a loofah made of?? Here, This list is in the nutrient content of fruit loofah as a recommendation to consume fruits loofah. In 250 grams of fruit loofah, there are:

  • 40 cal energy
  • 2 g or 8 cal content of Calories
  • 0.25 g or 2.25 Kal fat content
  • 9.5 g or 38 cal content of Carbohydrates

Loofah Benefits For Human Health

In addition most of the nutritional content described above, research shows that in 250 grams of fruit loofah there are also vitamins and minerals are no less one that is Folate and Vitamin K. Well, with a high nutrient content, it's no wonder the benefits and efficacy of fruit typical this loofa fruit. Here are a variety benefits of loofah fruit for health:

1. Treat swelling

Loofah fruit is consumed by way of directly consumed to relieve swelling in the sinuses or nasal space.

Benefits of Loofah Fruit fro Breast Feeding
Image From: slate.com


2. Benefits of Loofah Fruit fro Breast Feeding

If you are somebody's mother who was breastfeeding, increase consumption of fruit loofah may help you to produce milk.

3. Treating constipation

If you are experiencing constipation or other natural digestive problems, consumption of fruit loofah can help you handle problems with digestion. Loofah fruit that has actually cooks contain very much fiber is good for the digestive system.

4. Benefits of Loofah Fruit For Menstruation

For some women who experience irregular menstrual cycles, or you experience pain during menstruation, eating fruit loofah. The content that is inside a fruit native to Vietnam is recognized it can accelerate your monthly cycle.

5. Make clear skin

The loofah fruit is purported to increase the brightness of the skin. Steps? For this step a little unique. If you want to obtain the benefits of loofah this one, you can use a tool made of loofah scrub dried. This scrub tool mentioned can lift some of the dead skin cells and can minimize the pores of your skin. But, do not rub too hard, because the skin may be injured instead become brighter.

Wear tool of loofah scrub with a regular manner in order to finally be optimal. Furthermore, the impact of the tool loofah scrub of this will make the skin more healthy because to do scrub on the skin, so it would help the airflow on the surface of the skin to the skin to be more healthy.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Persimmon For Pregnant Women, Body Health, and Diet

7. Has panda eyes? Try fruit loofah as an eye mask

Do you often sleep until late at night? For those who experience difficulty sleeping or have a job that requires you always to sleep late, dark circles are matters that are commonplace appear on all of your two eyes. However, dark circles or often referred to the meaning of panda eyes will certainly extremely disturbing performance.

To minimize the circular blackish color in the room your eyes, use a loofah fruit as a mask on the eyes. The steps to soften the fruit loofah then applied to the eye area. Could also slice the fruit loofah thus only then put on the eyes.

Benefits of Loofah Fruit As a cough medicine
Image From: cdn2.momjunction.com

8. As a cough medicine

Loofah fruit that has a lot of vitamins and other nutrients that can be used as medicine. What are some diseases that can be cured by fruit loofah? You can use a loofah fruit through how to boil, then boiled water loofah can be used to avoid or cure a cough. Work on healing with boiling water loofah regularly until the cough gradually recovering.

9. Get rid of joint pain

The benefits of fruit loofah others namely to cure pain in the joints. Most research has shown that the consumption of loofah, either cooked or boiled and drunk the water, can treast pain that lasts on your joints.

Side Effect of Loofah Fruit

The side effects that must be considered:

Its use as a sponge effect

The use of fruit as a scrub or loofah sponges for bathing when rubbing too hard can lead to sores on the skin surface. We recommend rubbing the body with a loofah with not too hard. In addition, do not use a scrub or loofah sponge for facial skin. This is because the skin on the face is more sensitive and thinner. Until the worry can cause tissue damage skin on your face.

Excessive Consuming Effect

Consuming loofah that too often in large numbers could possibly lead to headaches, irritability, loss of concentration to less awareness. Therefore, it takes note of the number and intensity consume this loofah.

Accelerating Bleeding

For patients with bleeding disease, loofah consumption could be severe bleeding. Stop the consumption of fruit loofah to recover nosebleeds if you want to heal the swelling in the nose or your sinuses with a loofah fruit.

Thus the unique Benefits of Loofah fruit the typical vietnam fruit for health. Hopefully the info I provided is helpful.

Sabtu, 10 September 2016

Benefits of Gambir (Uncaria gambier Roxb)

Benefits of Gambir (Uncaria gambier Roxb)
Image From: inetarticle.com

Benefits of Gambir (Uncaria gambier Roxb) - Gambir (Uncaria gambier Roxb.) is a kind of dried sap derived from extracts squeeze the leaves and twigs of plants with the same name that has many benefits of human. In Indonesia Gambir is mostly used in chewing. Usability is more important as a tanner and dyes. Gambir also contains catechins (catechin), a natural ingredient that are antioxidants. India imports 68% gambier from Indonesia, and use it as a mixture of chewing.

Scientific classification

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Division: Magnoliophyta
• Class: Magnoliopsida
• Order: gentianales
• Family: Rubiaceae
• Genus: Uncaria
• Species: Uncaria gambier
• Binomial name: Uncaria gambier
• Synonyms: Ourouparia gambier Roxb. Nauclea gambier
• Local Name: NAME simplicia Terra Japonica, Gele catechu; Gambir.

Uncaria Gambir Plant characteristics:

Herbaceous plant with branching vines half lengthwise. Leaves oval, elongated, tapered tip, hairless surface (slippery), with a short petiole. The flowers are composed of a compound with a crown of pink or green; calyx short, the flower has shape like crown funnel (such as flowers coffee), five stamens, and the fruit of the capsule of the two spaces.

Plants Shrubs, 1-3 cm high. Stems erect, rounded, branching simpodial, pale brown color. Single leaf, opposite, oval, serrated edge, base rounded, tapered tip, 8-13 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, green, smooth (not hairy). Compound interest, a bell shape, in axillary, approximately 5 cm long, oval-shaped crown 5 pieces, purple, egg-shaped fruit, approximately 1.5 cm long, black color. Part Used Sari dried leaves (Gambir).

Uncaria Gambir cultivation

Gambir cultivated on land height of 200-800 m above sea level. Starting from a rather flat topography up on the hillside. Usually grown as a plantation crop in the yard . Usually semi-intensive cultivation, fertilizer but rarely given the cleaning and pruning is done. The leaves are trimmed used to produce sap Gambir. Gambir plant can be found in North Sumatra (Dairi and Pakpak Bharat) and West Sumatra.

Uncaria Gambir Uses

Gambir is a hot water extract of the leaves and twigs of the plant gambier is  molded and dried. Nearly 95% of the production is made into this product, which is called betel bite or plan masala. Usually cylindrical mold shape, resembling brown sugar. The color is dark brown. Gambir (trade between countries known as gambier) is usually shipped in 50kg packs. Other forms are powders or "biscuit". Other names dalah catechu, gutta gambier, catechu pallidum (pale catechu).

The major use is as a component of chewing, which is already known to the public archipelago, from Sumatra to Papua since at least 2500 years ago. Unknown, Gambier stimulates bile that help smooth the process in the stomach and intestines. Another function is as a mixture of drugs, such as burns, migraine headaches, diarrhea, dysentery medicine, gargle mouthwash, mouth ulcer drugs, as well as skin pain medication (massaged); tanners; and dye textiles.

Functions that are being developed as well as glue plywood or particle board. This product still has to compete with other sources of wood adhesives, such as the bark of Acacia mearnsii, balansa Schinopsis wood, and leather pods Caesalpinia spinosa produced by other countries.

Read Also: Hi Guys Here are Health Benefits of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Uncaria Gambir Benefits as Medicine:

typical properties bitter and chelates. astringent and hemostatic efficacy. research zulfadli, 1989. pharmacy, faculty unand. microbiological tests have been conducted gambir extract of the leaves and twigs against several bacteria that cause diarrhea in vitro. from this research, it turns the leaves and twigs gambir extract can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause diarrhea.

Chemical Ingredients:

Catechins, Quercetin, Samak substances catechins, Red catechins, mucus, and fat.

Main Content Gambir:

The content of the main and also contained by many other members of Uncaria are flavonoids (especially gambiriin), catechins (up 51%), tanning substances (22-50%), as well as a number of alkaloids (such as gambirtannin and dihidro- and oxo derivatives her. In addition to the gambir used modern medicines, produced by Germany, as well as coloring paints, clothing.

Uncaria Gambir Modern Medicinal Uses
Image From: images.indianexpress.com

Uncaria Gambir Modern Medicinal Uses

Gambir usefulness in the life of Traditional and Modern:
1. Benefits of uncaria gambir to treat Dysentery.
2. Uncaria gambir uses to Diarrhea treatment.
3. Uncaria gambir medicinal uses to treat Burns (topical).
4. Uncaria gambir extract to heal Wounds (topical).
5. Uncaria gambir as Sprue mouth (mouthwash).
6. Uncaria gambir extract as Hoarse voice (mouthwash).
7. Uncaria gambir as Healthy gums, teeth, and throat
8. The main raw material adhesive adhesive plywood and particle boards.

Read Also: health benefits of mahogany

Prospects Gambir modern era

Prospects Gambir as adhesive raw materials for wood-based materials or materials other lignosellulosa seen there. As a first step the author has registered a patent on the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with the title "Process Gambir as adhesive raw materials with the number P 00200200856" by utilizing incentives from the Ministry of Research and Technology.

Gambir can also be used as the main raw material adhesive adhesive plywood and particle boards. When Gambir exported is used as raw material for plywood adhesives in the country will meet the needs of three plywood mills with a capacity of 5000-6000 m3 / month.This is still too little compared to the needs of the plywood mill and particle board in the island of Sumatra.

Gambir can be processed in the country into another form of the present, such as the form of biscuits and flour gambier in accordance with the world market demand. Country India alone requires Gambir 6,000 tons per year. It is seen that the outlook abroad is still open.

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Health Benefits of Persimmon For Pregnant Women, Body Health, and Diet

Benefits of Persimmon Fruit For Health
Image From: inetarticle.com

Health Benefits of Persimmon For Pregnant Women, Body Health, and Diet - Here the benefits of persimmon nutritious for our health. Though persimmon little strange, but you never heard it.

Persimmon fruit has the physical characteristics resemble an apple, the difference is there as a white powder that blanketed the persimmon skin. Old Persimmons have orange ripe, but there are some that have a yellow color persimmon orange approach.

Benefits of Persimmon for Health

If we spilt persimmon, the persimmon fruit pulp is look like papaya, but when you eat the persimmon and chew it the persimmon flesh is softer than apple. Talkin’ about persimmon isn’t complete if we not talked about benefits of persimmon for human health.

Benefits of Persimmon Fruit For Pregnant Women

Persimmon fruit has a lot of nutritional content. Some nutrition that needed by human body is enough when obtained from the persimmon, such as vitamins A, carbohydrates, protein, potassium and protein.

Not only for us the normal people, the benefits of persimmon fruit for pregnant women can be obtained to meet the daily energy needs, as well as help increase the blood levels when pregnant women suffer from anemia. In addition, the antioxidant content of persimmon also helps give the pregnant woman's body resistance, so avoid the disease and virus attacks during pregnancy.

Read Also: Hi Guys Here are Health Benefits of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Benefits of Persimmon Fruit For Pregnant Women
Image From: gettingpregnantessential.com

Benefits of Persimmon Fruit for Diet and Skin

If you are currently undergoing a diet program, persimmon is also a good fruit is consumed during the diet. Benefits of persimmon fruit to the diet is so good because the carbohydrate content is high enough as a substitute for rice, as well as high levels of the protein could be supplying balanced nutrition during dieting.

Replace rice in the diet does not mean you do not eat rice during a diet, but reducing the portion of rice and replaced with fiber-rich fruits of persimmon. Therefore, the key to success in a diet program is to reduce the consumption of fat content of food and increase intake of protein for the body. The content of this fruit can be a substitute apples if you get bored with the selection of fruit during the diet.

Exciting news is also coming from the persimmon is for women who want to look naturally beautiful, white and subtle glow. In addition, the benefits of persimmon can also get rid of premature aging of the skin of women.

Read Also: health benefits of mahogany

Well, before the scary thing is suffered in your face, do prevention well, one of them using the persimmon fruit. Therefore, the persimmon has a content of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E and antioxidants. Nutrition is believed to make the benefits of persimmon to be white skin and prevent wrinkles.

Antioxidants in persimmon act as anti-free radicals such as exposure to UV and dirt on the skin. Then we need not doubt the benefits of the sweet persimmon. Therefore, eating persimmon once a day  being the most appropriate way to get the benefits of persimmon.

The benefits of persimmon for human arw great isn’t it? From health, beauty, and even diet is all can be get greatly by consume persimmon. So lets talk to your friend, family, and even your fo about the benefits of persimmon and let them also get healthy and beautiful body.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

Hi Guys Here are Health Benefits of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha  (Withania somnifera)
Image From: 2.bp.blogspot.com

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha  (Withania somnifera) - Ashwagandha is an herb that comes from India with a scientific name Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha herb is often referred to as the winter cherry, Ajagandha, Hindi Kanaje, Samm Al Ferakh, or Indian ginseng.  Ashwagandha including Ayurvedic herbal shaped shrubs are like that included in the Solanaceae family as tomatoes and eggplants.

According to the ancient Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is also known as 'rasayana'. Rasayana is a drug derived from plants that have the ability to improve physical and mental health. Withania somnifera is also known to help the body fight disease and revitalize the body is starved of energy. Ashwagandha health benefits for men also known to have a reputation to extend the life and improve sexual ability. 

Health Benefits Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is able to strengthen the immune system and is believed to be effective against a variety of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and even AIDS. Ashwagandha is also used as a drug for the treatment of self hypnosis. This herb is an energy tonic that helps to calm the mind and improve sexual strength.

Ashwagandha is also known to have antioxidant properties so effectively used to treat fungal infections, tuberculosis, chronic upper respiratory diseases, etc. ashwagandha benefits for men are widely used to treat gynecological disorders and cure infertility in men and impotence.

Other uses include ashwagandha treat anxiety, arthritis, leukoderma, bronchitis, fibromyalgia, hiccups, and chronic liver disease. Many Ayurvedic practitioners prescribe this herb to improve concentration, reduce stress, pain, inflammation, and reduce the effects of aging.

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Ashwagandha Side Effects

Although health benefits of ashwagandha are really amazin’, ashwagandha also has some side effects. Although serious side effects is almost non-existent, but there are some complaints were observed after a person consumes ashwagandha. Here are some of them:

  • Increased body temperature after one week of use
  • Drowsiness that can occur if ashwagandha not be taken with food
  • Abdominal bloating after taking ashwagandha with antacids
  • Irritation of the digestive system
  • The emergence of small lesions and inflammation
  • Kidney disorders
  • Diarrhea as Ashwagandha Side Effects
    Image From: getridofmany.com
  •  Diarrhea
  • Gag
  • Nausea
  • Exacerbate autoimmune disease. That's because, people who have autoimmune diseases should avoid ashwagandha because of its ability to activate the immune system.
  • Lowering blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics

Dosage to Get Benefits of Ashwagandha

  • Ashwagandha is available in many forms and you should follow the recommended dosage.
    In the case of ashwagandha powder, take 3 to 6 grams three times a day.
  • To stew ashwagandha, the recommended dose is 16-31 grams of cooked cow's milk is consumed 3 (thrree) times a day.
  • While the dose of the extract is 2 tablespoons three times a day.
    You should avoid consuming ashwagandha while taking sedatives.


  • People suffering from diabetes, heart disease, digestive disorders, and ulcers is recommended not to consume ashwagandha.
  • Pregnant and nursing women should also avoid ashwagandha because it may have the potential harm to the fetus and infant.

Those are the health benefits of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)  and side effect of ashwaganda that I can share in this article. Hopefully this article if beneficial for you. Thanks for reading.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

health benefits of mahogany

Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree
Image From: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

Mahogany benefits for human are so many, from benefits of mahogany fruit, benefits of mahogany seed, benefits of mahogany bark are quite popular among herbal health. Mahogany tree, found in the South Pacific region, especially in the Solomon Islands. Mahogany plant is known for its beautiful and very strong wood used for furniture and carvings. However, mahogany plants also have uses that are less known, parts and pieces of mahogany seeds can be ground and taken to a variety of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree

Mahogany seeds known in which trees grow and with familiar mahogany used as part of a varied diet and healthy. Additionally, mahogany seeds grinding into powder and drink it with water. Currently, there mahogany seed extract in capsule form as a dietary supplement. Mahogany seeds contains 33 kinds of flavonoids and 27 types of saponin, it makes it more nutrient-dense nutrient-rich plants, such as ginseng. It also contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fatty acids necessary for healthy body function.

1. Healthy Heart

One of the biggest advantages of mahogany seeds is its effect on blood circulation improvement. Flavonoids in mahogany seeds directly helps in increasing circulation, while saponins good for heart health. The combination of nutrients in mahogany seeds make a good natural treatment to promote heart health and blood circulation better.

2. Controlling Blood Sugar

Another positive benefit is the effect of mahogany seeds are able to regulate blood sugar. For diabetics, consuming 1/2 teaspoon powdered seeds mahogany with warm water before meals can help keep blood sugar levels stable. Saponins in plants mahogany, directly responsible to help remove the blood sugar.

3. Insect Deterrent

Mahogany seeds are taken in powder form, can serve as a sort of antidote to insect sprays. In particular, the saponins in the seeds tend to discourage insects. For people who live in tropical climates or who can not avoid contact with insects such as mosquitoes carrying malaria, mahogany seed powder can be used as a supplement to increase the protection against diseases transmitted by insects.

4. Treating Constipation

When suffering from constipation, it is difficult to help get through the day. The health benefits of mahogany fruits came to this benefit. Sky crushed fruit seeds can be taken with warm water to relieve constipation.

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5. Reduce Alzheimer's

If suffering from Alzheimer's disease, can add pieces of mahogany into food, such as mahogany seed powder is brewed together with a cup of milk. Alzheimer's disease can not be cured and no regenerative, therefore forms of assistance to survive like this is very necessary.

6. Mahogany Seeds for Menstruation

Women who are experiencing menstrual pain can curb this pain with the help of mahogany fruit. Eating fruits mahogany dash on the first day of the menstrual cycle will reduces menstrual pain.

Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree for Sex
Image From: s4.favim.com

7. Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree for Sex

If you're trying to get pregnant and start a family, but was unable to do because of impotence, mahogany fruits can work wonders. Flesh consumption can increase the chances of fertility.

8. Lack of Appetite

If the chances of us wonder why the body can not gain weight with all the healthy food that has been consumed. Mahogany fruit can be another option, which is useful for those who want to increase appetite. Thus it would add weight gradually.

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Any other use Fruit Mahogany

  • Traditional Treatment With Mahogany Fruit
  • benefit-fruit-mahogany
  • fruit Mahogany
  • Fruit extract mahogany and mahogany seeds are both powdered nutritional supplement that can be taken for positive results.

The Health Benefits of Mahogany Fruits and Mahogany Seed are Include:

  • combating free radicals with antioxidants
  • lowering the fat build up in the bloodstream
  • lower cholesterol and boost the immune system
  • Taking supplements mahogany seeds regularly can help you improve your health in many ways, and thus lead to a more general welfare

Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Nice and Taste. Benefits of Water Guava for Health

Benefits of Water Guava for Health
Image From: inetarticle.com

Water guava is one type of fruit that has a unique taste, and is favored by many people. Guava have some kind of water, from which has a sweet and sour taste, fresh taste, as well as with colors that range from red to green. This refreshing taste of guava turns out to have tremendous benefits of guava fruit for health.

Each person would want to have a healthy body, so that it can perform activities well. One step is to eat healthy fruits with anti-oxidants, one of which is the water guava fruit. In almost all regions of Indonesia guava can be obtained easily. So, we can be sure if all the people in Indonesia have been taking water guava benefical.http://marcosimoncelli.blogspot.com/2016/07/benefits-of-water-guava-for-health.html

Benefits Of Water Guava Fruit

 Previous water guava may only be considered one eye. Some people may like it as fresh fruit, and suitable as a sweet salad mixture or guava juice. However, It appears that the native of Southeast Asia contains amazing properties for health. For that to you most like to eat guava, know some of the benefits of water guava fruit following:

1. Ability to Control Diabetes

Diabetics typically very limited in eating the fruit, and only a few types are safe for consumption, one that is guava. Know in guava contains a compound called alkaloid similar jambosine, which is capable of regulating the conversion of starch into sugar.

It is certainly a very important thing for people with diabetes, as well as capable of preventing attacks more chronic diabetes. Jambosine compound has been proven to control sugar levels in the blood. so if you or your family get diabetes try to ask doctor are water guava save for you, if it's ok make guava juice to taste it while enjoying spare time.

Read Also: The Amazing Benefits of Thorny Plant Cactus

2. Healthy Digestive System

This is because the water guava has high enough fiber. Of the fiber, the water rose able to overcome the problem of constipation or bowel obstruction. Besides the fruit, guava seeds of this guava water can also be used as traditional medicine dysentery and diarrhea.

3. Guava Uses For Health to Prevent Cancer

Many people do not know if this guava fruit is useful as a cancer preventive. Guava This water contains organic compounds active combined with vitamin A, and vitamin C. So some of the content is able to work effectively in preventing cancer. A research has shown that eating water guava able to lower the risk of prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

Read Also: Wanna Beautiful Tight Breast?? Use This Benefits of Apple, Rice Flour and White Egg For Breast

4. Troubleshooting Toxicity

This is because the water guava has diuretic properties, which can help cleanse the kidneys and liver. With both of these organs are clean, then the efficiency of the body's metabolism will increase.

Guava Uses Healthy heart
Image from: gymflow100.com

5. Guava Uses Healthy heart

The fiber content is combined with various other natural nutrients, Turns able to control cholesterol levels in the body. Which leads to a decreased risk of atherosclerosis. Thus the benefits of water guava are able to prevent cardiovascular complications, such as stroke, heart attack, or coronary heart disease.

6. Keeping the Immune System

In the water guava is contains antimicrobial and anti-fungal. A study proves, content of vitamin C in water guava, able to protect the skin from infection, and can improve the immune system.

That's some of the benefits behind the water guava to the health of the body. So, for those of you who have been avoiding the consumption of water guava, We recommend that you consume from now.

The benefits of water guava are so amazing it will make your body become healthier, Without taking medication to improve the immune system. By regularly drink water guava juice, the body will be more resistant and protected from various diseases.

Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

The Amazing Benefits of Thorny Plant Cactus

Image From: media-cdn.tripadvisor.com
Various benefits owned by cactus plants for health and beauty - Plant life with a wide variety of habitats, there elapsed areas that are wet, humid, even dry. Plants are familiar and 'iconic' by the dry environment is cactus. Yes, cactus is a plant that lives in temperate environments hot, dry, though there was no water. Cactus commonly found living in the desert or desert. But now cactus easy to find because it is also used as an ornamental plant and planted in pots, garden or courtyard.

About Benefits of Cactus

Behind the charm, the uniqueness of cactus, cactus turns have different benefits that can be used by humans for health. But not all the cactus can be taken advantage, only a few are like the prickly pear cactus. Type of prickly pear cactus has a flat shape and round, possess two types of spines and they produce flowers and fruit.
Mexican society has long treat illnesses and minor complaints with the cactus. Since time immemorial the Indians in Mexico have been utilizing the cactus as a food ingredient, cactus usually processed into soup, peanut butter, until the cheese. Cactus usefulness not only to just be a material food alone but the cactus is also used to cure irritation or allergic skin should use aloevera. Anti-inflammatory effect very quickly cactus against insect bites, itching, redness and even allergic reactions.

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Prickly pear cactus

Then what is it that makes a very nutritious cactus? This is because in a piece of cactus contained very rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are known primarily on the ability of antioxidants, so-called "nature's biological response modifiers". Nothing else these substances can support changing the body's reaction to allergens and viruses. Many reports state if flavonoids play a big role against carcinogens, and create anti-cancer activity. This substance itself contained a lot of green tea, chocolate, and some fruits.
Prickly pear cactus in all its parts can be used, including a large flat section, such as a plate-sized green oval. The section is known to have very large levels of nutrients. Minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and other elements that a variety of additional beta carotene, vitamin A, C is found in the section.
Recent research has found if the cactus helps heal wounds or disease from within. By protecting the immune system and throw away free radicals in the body, the prickly pear potentially slow down aging, and constantly help organ function work optimally. Moreover, cactus fruit was proven to effectively lower blood pressure and maintain levels of LDL, aka bad cholesterol at low levels, and minimize the threat of heart overload of work.

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Since the prickly pear cactus attract attention, the athletes started taking to get more energy. When normal practice, practice after the injury and illness, be helped by quicker recovery by the cactus extract. In addition to low-fat, high-fiber, high-nutrition, cactus prickly pear, the highest on the list of herbs with a low content of sugar.

Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

Wanna Beautiful Tight Breast?? Use This Benefits of Apple, Rice Flour and White Egg For Breast

Benefits of Apple, RIce Flour and White Egg For Breast
Image From: naturalhealth-naturalbeauty.com
In addition to the face, one part of the body that always get more attention by the women is breast. Not only women, men also claimed to like the women who have breast tight with the proportional size. It is no wonder that women do a number of ways breasts look firmer.
Yes, one of these ways is to use a natural mask to tighten the breast. Needless to salon, breast mask you can make your own with materials which is very easy to find. And here are a number of breast mask that you can make yourself.
Benefits of Breast Mask Made from Rice Flour (Amylum oryzae) for breast
Image From: paleoplan.com

Breast Mask Made from Rice Flour (Amylum oryzae)

Maybe this time you are already very familiar with the properties of rice flour benefits to smooth the skin and slow the aging process of the skin. Well, it was a mixture of rice powder with rose water also you can use as a breast mask. Before applying the mask breast, you should first clean the breast with a warm towel. Then close the nipple by using a cotton swab, then apply the mask evenly on the breast, let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. The benefits of Rice Flour and rose water will make your breast bigger, tighter, and smoother.   

Benefits of Yogurt and White Egg Mask for Breast
Image From: madhyamam.com

Yogurt and White Egg Mask

Not only tighten the breast, mask from yogurt and white egg has benefits soften and make more supple breasts naturally. How to make it very easy, you just need to mix 2 tablespoons plain yogurt, 1 egg white chicken, and 3 drops of olive oil. After all the material has been mixed, you can apply the mask in a bra that has been unused. Wear and let stand for 30 minutes. After that you can clean the breast with warm water.
Benefits of Apple Mask for Breast
Image From: steadyrun.com

Breast Mask of Apples Milk

In addition to toning and soften the breast with Apple and Milk, masks this one also can provide antioxidant nutrients from the outside. To make it you just need to mix 1 fresh apple fruit that has been pulverized with 2 tablespoons of powdered milk. After all the mixed ingredients you can apply a mask, leave on for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water until clean.

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That some breast mask that you can make yourself at home, but one thing you need to remember is that down the breast can also be caused due to the selection of ill-fitting bra. Thus, we recommend when buying a bra, make sure that the bra is so comfortable your breasts look firmer.

Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

Great, This is Benefits of Cycling for Health and Beauty

The benefits of cycling for health and beauty of women
Image From: revolutioncycling.co.uk

Cycling has its own benefits for the beauty and health of women. Today, cycling became one of the sports preferred by many people from all walks of life to various genders, female one. There are several advantages of cycling for women with very effective for beauty and health of women.

Tempted by the magnitude of these benefits, many women begin to let go of their time either in the morning or the afternoon only fixie bikes.then describes some of the benefits that cycling can make any woman feel healthier and more beautiful.

Read Also: Nutrient content in Sperm and its Benefits

Benefits of Cycling for Women's Health

Health becomes a blessing that is priceless. Therefore, everyone is trying to keep your body to stay fit by exercising regularly. Many women also like some sports like cycling, which is a type of exercise that is healthy and low resurrection.

There are many health benefits of cycling for women who need to know. Biking or cycling, including the type of exercise that requires each guilty of all the limbs move. For women, it is excellent in burning fat located in different parts of the body such as the thighs, arms, buttocks. In addition to physical health, cycling is also good to have someone from the stress. According to some experts, cycling can bring a feeling relaxed and happy.

Image From: superfora.files.wordpress.com

Benefits of Cycling for Female Beauty

In addition to health, cycling is also very useful to build a woman's body to make it look more slender and attractive. Cycling for health benefits for the body shape is the first woman to become more foot ladder. Activity ordinary bicycle can get rid of the fat that lies at the foot of a woman as a woman can have a family of slimmer foot shape and level of desire of every woman.

In addition, the slim body is also one of the benefits of cycling for the body of every woman. As already described in the preceding paragraph, exercise cycling need to move a few tips. In addition to the legs, arms and stomach were part will move automatically and with a perfect record. After a while biking, your body will felt slim and sexy body and legs are longer and thinner.

Nutrient content in Sperm and its Benefits

Benefits of Swallowing Sperm
Image From:  articles.snowballsunderwear.com

What are the Benefits Swallowing Sperm For Women? The content of semen or sperm has always attracted the attention of scientists to examine. The semen was indeed contain many nutritious substances that are good for conception. But if the benefits so no semen is swallowed like taking medicine.

In the perspective of health, semen is seen as a biological substance released by the male to fertilize the eggs of women through the process of sperm-egg union. Semen or semen or organic liquids is also known as seminal fluid, that usually contains spermatozoa.

Physiologically, semen released by the gonads (sexual glands) and other sexual organs of male or hermaphroditic animals to fertilize the female egg.

Johnson and Everitt research results in his book Essential Reproduction (2000) revealed that semen contains a high nutrient content. In a typical ejaculation (approximately one teaspoon), semen already contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg carbohydrates, 6 mg of fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7 percent of the US RDA of potassium, copper and zinc.

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Reporting from Netdoctor

The following details the nutritional content of semen:


  1. Fructose: a very sweet sugar which is also contained in fruits and honey
  2. Sorbitol: sweetener that is often used as a substitute for sugar in diabetics
  3. Inositol: This sweet substance can increase healthy hair growth and is often considered a brain food

Proteins and amino acids

  1. Glutathione: important antioxidant that can bind to toxins such as heavy metals, solvents and pesticides
  2. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and function of all living organisms
  3. Creatine: supplies energy for muscle contraction


  1. Phosphorus: helps the body absorb calcium to make strong bones
  2. Zinc
  3. Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeping the heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, keeps bones strong, helps regulate blood sugar levels, increase blood pressure to normal, and is also involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.
  4. Calcium: making bones and tooth stronger and healthier
  5. Potassium: very important for the body's normal growth and for replacement of outdated network


  1. vitamin C: it can help a person look younger and more beautiful. Vitamin C also promotes collagen growth in the protein chain, which is the main ingredient in all of fibrous tissue.
  2. Vitamin B12: by consuming something that contained B12 human body will get more energy
  3. Kolin: this is very good for brain, kolin has ability to sharpen the mind
sperm has benefits to encourage sexual function and increase sex drive
Image From: media.galamedianews.com


  1. Testosterone: Because of this sperm has benefits to encourage sexual function and increase sex drive
  2. Prostaglandin: participating in various bodily functions such as contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle, dilation and constriction of blood vessels, control of blood pressure, and modulation of inflammation.

Body Products

  1. Lactic acid
  2. Urea
  3. Gout
  4. Nitrogen

Because of this nutritious sperm counts many believe that swallowed sperm can make women younger. But until now there has been no study has shown swallowing sperm can inhibit the aging process.

Securities that may be generated simply psychological impact alone, in this case the women are happy because it managed to satisfy their partner.

Until today there is no scientific evidence that shows whether the material is helpful ingested by humans. Clear semen of men who are healthy and not infected with the disease will make potential embryo is also healthy.

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