Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Amazing Benefits of Lime

Benefits of Lime
Image From: organicfacts.net

Lime is a fruit that is not foreign in the culinary world. Lime is often used in cooking to give a touch of acerbity. Orange juice is also often used to remove fishy smell fresh or made into a drink.

Lime is not only used in the culinary world, but the jug can be used to maintain the beauty and overcome all kinds of skin problems. Here are some benefits of lemon for the skin and body.


Benefits of lemon juice to skin and body:

1. Disguise Eye Pouch

You can disguise the black eye bags by using a mask of lemon. Benefits of lemon juice to the skin of eye bags can be obtained by:
  • Squeeze lime
  • dip cotton
  • Apply on the black eye bags
  • Let stand about half an hour
  • clean up

Read Also: Great Fruit with Many Benefits for Human Health, Jackfruit

2. Skin Lightening

Benefits of lemon juice to the skin as a skin-lightening can be obtained by:
  • Combine lime juice and yogurt
  • Apply to the entire skin as a mask and Kulur
  • Give a little light massage in a circular motion
  • Let stand until completely absorbed into the skin
  • clean up

3. Benefits of Lime to Acne Medication

Fairly high acid content in lemon kills germs and bacteria that cause acne. The acid content is the same as the skin's natural pH. Benefits of lemon juice to the skin as an acne medicine can be obtained by:
  • Lime split into several parts
  • Apply directly to the face
  • Wait for it to dry, so that lime juice soak into the skin
  • clean up
Benefits of Lime to Acne Medication
Image From: 4.bp.blogspot.com

4. Shrink Pores Skin

Skin pores are large would produce excess oil and can cause the appearance of acne. Benefits of lemon juice to the skin can be obtained by:
  • Take meat lemon fruit is ripe
  • Directly apply on face
  • Set aside some time to dry
  • clean up

5. Eliminate Dark Spot

Black spots on the skin can be overcome by making a face mask. Benefits of lemon juice to the skin can be obtained by:
  • Take 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Mix with 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Apply on face stained black
  • Wait until dry (approximately 10 minutes)
  • Rinse with warm water

6. Lifting the dead skin cells

Lime will help regenerate skin cells. Remove dead skin cells and then replace them with new ones. Benefits of Lime juice to the skin can be obtained by:
  • Take lemon fruit flesh
  • Apply directly to the skin meat
  • Leave it to dry
  • rinse

With regular usage and routine and patient, you will get the benefits of lime to the skin optimally.

Great Fruit with Many Benefits for Human Health, Jackfruit

Image From: 2.bp.blogspot.com

Jackfruit is contains useful for human health, therefore on this occasion I will try to discuss the benefits of fruit Jackfruit, Nangka fruit Well has Latin name Artocarpus heterophyllus which fruit and pohonya same name, namely Nangka. Jackfruit fruit sometimes also called the Fruit of Gori, the fruit is in the trust comes from the tropics which comes from southern India and in its development of this fruit spread throughout the world, including Indonesia.

Jackfruit Fruit Benefits

Who does not know this one fruit, fruit that has meat is thick and yellowish when ripe, sweet and contains a lot of water in it, Now for the not wait to find out what the heck Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit is let directly seen below this.

Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit To prevent cancer,

This is because jackfruit contain phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones and saponins which have anti-cancer and anti-aging. Phytonutrients can also help eliminating cancer-causing free radicals from the body.

Read Also: Amazing, Must Read this Benefits of Beets Fruit

Jackfruit Fruit Benefits To prevent anemia,

 This is because the jackfruit has an iron content which can help prevent anemia. Iron can also help in proper blood circulation in our body.

Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit To assist the body's digestive,

This is because the jackfruit has anti-ulcer properties that can help cure ulcers and indigestion. High fiber content in jackfruit can prevent constipation and help smooth bowel movement. Fiber also provides protection against colon mucosal membranes by means expel carcinogenic chemicals from the colon.

Jackfruit Fruit Benefits To help strengthen bones

This is because the jackfruit is rich in magnesium, a nutrient that is essential in the absorption of calcium. This can help strengthen bones and prevent bone disorders such as ostepororsis.

Image From: smartlifehealthybody.com

Efficacy Jackfruit To maintain healthy eyes and skin

This is because jackfruit contains vitamin A, a nutrient that is very good for maintaining healthy eyes and skin. It can also help prevent degenerative eye diseases such as macular and night blindness.

Read Also: Really Great..28 Benefits of Basil Leaves

Jackfruit Fruit Benefits To maintain thyroid health

This is because jackfruit contains a substance that is very important is copper. Copper plays an important role in the metabolism of the thyroid, especially for hormone production and absorption.

Jackfruit Fruit Benefits To help lower blood pressure

This is because jackfruit contains potassium which can be beneficial for lowering blood pressure, so it can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Efficacy Fruit Jackfruit To increase energy

This is because jackfruit contain simple sugars fructose and sucrose crate that gives a boost of energy when it is needed by the body.

Jackfruit fruit is also very useful for Immune from harmful viruses, Well so do not hesitate to consume the fruit of this one

Amazing, Must Read this Benefits of Beets Fruit

Benefits of Beets Fruit
Image From: blushbeautybarspokane.com

For some people may not have been many who know beets, the fruit is widely used for food coloring, dye jam has great benefits of fruit beets are also very much. Beets are basically not a fruit that comes from the flowers, but the tubers in the ground like potatoes. Actually beets not native to Indonesia, this plant comes from the European region, but already widely cultivated in Indonesia. Fruit Bet

Benefits of beet for health is very much, some of which are:

Prevent Anemia

Anemia or lack of blood causes the body sometimes becomes weak, anemia occurs because blood iron deficiency, so the red blood cells in the blood diminishing numbers. Beets can solve the problem given the iron content in it is very high, oxygen can be tied smoothly by blood and red blood cells can regenerate normally again.

Read Also: Really Great..28 Benefits of Basil Leaves

Heart health

Beet contains potassium in them, potassium is very beneficial to reduce high blood pressure, as we know people who have high blood pressure is very susceptible to various kinds of heart disease. Eating fruit regularly beet is also useful for reducing the concentration of homocysteine, homoseistein a substance that can cause damage to blood vessels, causing a stroke.

Keeping Stamina

Beets contain nitrates is quite high, nitrate serves to reduce spending oxygen during your activity, so you will not get tired easily, other benefits of beet also be blood flow and increase energy, regularly consume your energy levels will be maintained and not easily hurt.

Good for Digestion

Beets contain fiber which is great for digestion, but it can also treat digestive problems due to unhealthy foods such as diarrhea, nausea and others. Beets can dissolve food and also remove toxic substances that are harmful to the body.

Good for kidney health

Kidneys are organs that filter the blood and and remove toxic substances in the form of urine, with regularly eat fruit useful beets to cleanse the kidneys and gall of a variety of toxic substances that are still buried in it.

Some of these benefits can be obtained by regularly eating fruit beets, while the benefits of beetroot that others, one for beauty, beet contains a lot of substances that are useful to the body, ranging from the amount of vitamin A, vitamin B and C, compounds such as iron, potassium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus and minerals is also high

Read Also: Benefits of Earthworm For Health

Benefits of beet for the beauty is:

Benefits of beet for treat Acne
Image From:  cdn2.stylecraze.com


Benefits of beet for treat Acne

beet contains anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve inflammation of the skin with acne.

Prevent premature aging

lycopene contained in the beetroot is very beneficial for the skin, which is to maintain the elasticity of the skin and protect it from adverse effects of sunlight.

Brighten the face

this fruit contain of compounds that is very effective for Lossing black spots on the skin, and make it even brighter over time.

That's the beet benefits for skin care, you can consume it directly or mix it as an additive to a face mask, beets can easily be met in some particular super market at an affordable price. In addition to benefits of fruit beets, you also need to know information about the benefits of cockroaches for health, this information may be useful to you.

Really Great..28 Benefits of Basil Leaves

28 Benefits of Basil Leaves
Image From: jekkasherbfarm.files.wordpress.com

Benefits of Basil Leaves | basil leaves are used as vegetables food. Besides, did you know that there are benefits of basil leaves or basil leaf properties. Benefits of basil or basil leaves very diverse properties, origin of the benefits for men, women, pregnant women, and infants. Benefits of basil leaves can be used as drugs for health are efficacious for gout, asthma, premature ejaculation, headache, fertilize, sperm, body odor remover, to the uterus, breast milk, children, pregnant quickly, the use of addictive substances, acne, male virility, leather , pregnant women, face, facial acne. Benefits of basil or basil leaf properties not only that there are many more benefits of basil leaves to add your insight. From the benefits of basil leaves, can we do the distribution of benefits of basil leaves or basil leaf properties into two categories for the health benefits of basil leaves, basil leaves benefits for skin care and hair.

Health Benefits of Basil For Men & Women

Uncovering the benefits of basil leaves start all that is to know the Latin name basil is Ociumum sanctum L. Basil leaves are very easily found in traditional markets with a relatively cheap price. Distinctive aroma, strong and soft with a touch of fragrant citron. Therefore, the benefits of basil leaves and how to process them appetizing meal and can add a delicious dish. Basil leaves commonly eaten raw as fresh vegetables, together cabbage, cucumber and chili as a complement to the food stalls are chicken or fried fish.

In addition to the benefits of basil leaves as fresh vegetables, basil leaves benefits not only as fresh vegetables, but the basil leaves can be used in laksa dish or side dish rice Betawi. There are many areas that utilize basil leaves in a variety of food offerings that of course it was for the distinctive aroma of basil leaves efficacious increase appetite apart in betawin also in eastern Java on rice krawu, botok, TransAm (ointment), or pencen tempeh. Manado in Manado porridge savory style comes partially complete dish basil leaves.

Not only in the country or in Indonesia are using the benefits of basil leaves as a food supplement, the benefits of basil leaves in it utilized several countries including India and some African usual brew the tea leaves of basil instead of the original tea leaves steeping. Basil tea is commonly served at the turn of seasons, which at that time many people were infected diseases health disorders ranging from cough, cold or fever, so many are using the benefits of basil leaves on the season.

As for the Europeans used to use the benefits of basil leaves or basil leaf properties of mengestraksi volatile oil of basil as a mixture of medicines and cosmetics for body care, such as soap, perfume, body lotions, lozenges, aromatherapy oils, and ointments.

Or efficacy benefits of basil leaves basil leaves to the Sundanese who called basil as surawung. Thais call with maenglak leaves, and in the English language called basil leaves with lemon basil.

Medicinal plants basil scattered over the globe, from Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia Pacific, the Americas, the Middle East, to Australia. Are related to plant basil basil (Ocimun sancium), Mentha arvensis (Mentha arvensis), and leaves wake or cumin (Coleus amboinicus).

In planting basil is easy, if the seeds are dispersed, then the basil will grow. Basil can stand in hot or cold weather. In cold areas, basil wider and green. While planting basil leaves in hot regions have small leaves, thin and pale green.

Many people who already know the benefits or efficacy of basil leaves basil leaf basil choose reproduce by seeds and cuttings. Seeds that have been sown will grow in the next 3-4 weeks, and should be harvested in order to branch off more and more. Choose a strong trunk to the cuttings that are rooted more quickly. The cuttings will take root after a week submerged in water. After 2-3 weeks, the roots have enough gathering is that the basil plant can be wonderful in a pot or elsewhere in the soap.

Characteristics of basil (Ociumum sanctum L.)

Plants that grow many tropical regions is erect herb or shrub, forming a rounded, highly branched, very high Harun with 0,3-1,5 m. Trunk anyway is not clear, colored green often violet haired or not. Single leaf, opposite, and are arranged from bottom to top. Leaf limb length from 0.25 to 3 cm with each leaf blade oval to elliptical, elongated and pointed or blunt tip. Leaf base pegs to rounded, smooth-haired on both surfaces, serrated leaf edge weak, corrugated or flat.

Basil flowers composed of flower stalks are upright shape. Lip-shaped petals, outer hair comb cell, purple or round, and be involved in setting fruit, white corolla with stamens inserted the bottom of the crown and a white head forked but not the same.

Fruit box-shaped, dark brown, upright and depressed by the tip forming a hook Circled. Fruit petals length is 6-9 mm. Seeds of small size, type of hard, dark brown, and when took immediately swell, TIPA fruit stands of four seeds. Taproot and dirty white.

In search of the scientific facts about the benefits of basil leaves can be used as medicine, health, and beauty of skin and hair, is the content of basil leaves. basil leaves so the benefit is not just a myth or the traditions of ancestors without any facts to prove it. Basil leaf content is as follows:

The content of Basil Leaves

Some of the chemicals contained in basil 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-oktadien-3-ol (linaool 3.94 mg / g), 1-methoxy-4-2- (2-propenyl) benzene (estragol 2, 03 mg / g), methyl cinnamate (1.28 mg / g), 4 allyl-2-methoxyphenol (eugenol 0.896 mg / g), and 1.8 sineol (0.288 mg / g) which is identified by the method of GC / MS. Traditionally, basil has been used in the treatment of headache, cough, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal worms kidney failure and warts.

Basil plants contain many essential oils are reported to have antibacterial activity. Apart from that contains flafon apigenin, glukaronida, luteolin, flavones O-glukotisidaapigenin 7-O glukoronida, luteolin 7-O glukoronida, flavones C-glucoside orientin, Ursolic acid, molludistin. While the basil leaves itself, the phytochemical research has proved the existence flafonoid, glikosid, gallic acid and its esters, acids kaffeic, and oil is eugenol astsiri as a main component. Based on the list of ingredients on foodstuffs directorate nutrition RI health department, basil including vegetables rich in provitamin A. Each 100 g basil leaves contain vitamin A. SI 5000 Apart from that, the excess basil is contains many minerals, calcium and phosphorus 45 mg 75 per 100g.

The benefits of basil leaves most of the volatile content. The benefits of essential oils have antimicrobial effects against mikrobacterium tuberculasisi ie danstappylococcus aureus in vitro and bacteria and other fungi. The effect is played by eugenol and methyl eugenol showed a positive reaction. Therefore, bacterial and fungal skin infections can be treated with the juice of basil leaves.

Basil leaf aqueous extracts showed hypotensive effects and can inhibit smooth muscle contraction which reacted by astilkolin, korbakol, and histamine. While solid ekstral basil leaves in a dosage of 500mg x 3 for a week, a significant decrease shortness of breath in 20 patients with eosinophilia troikal. Although there was no reduction in the peripheral blood eusinofil.

From various sources to attach a number of benefits of basil leaves or basil leaf properties which can be proven scientifically either sourced from journals, articles, books and web sites that correspond with the facts on the benefits of basil leaves basil womb. The benefits of basil leaves is as follows:

28 Health Benefits of Basil For Men & Women

Benefits Basil To Fight Free Radicals

Basil leaves thinking about the properties to fight free radicals as basil thinking about a good antioxidant to fight free radicals that enter our bodies. The antioxidants are flavonoids and eugenol which prevents the growth of bacteria, and fungi.

Benefits of Basil To Help Bone Growth
Image From: s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com

Benefits of Basil To Help Bone Growth

Efficacy of basil leaves, was not without scientific evidence proving the benefits of basil leaves or basil leaf properties that can help bone growth of these contents are calcium and phosphorus that regulate bone formation and growth. Not only that, the content of boron in astenol and basil leaves basil leaves efficacious in stimulating an active role and the work function of the hormones estrogen and hormone endrogen, and prevent bone loss.

Benefits of Basil To Smooth Blood Flow in Our Bodies

Basil leaves can be useful and efficacious blood flow due to the content of magnesium which helps reflect the heart and blood vessels so as to maintain the blood flow remains smooth.

Benefits of Basil To Treat Ringworm

The benefits of basil leaves can be obtained by processing a handful of basil leaves enough basil leaves were washed, and then mashed. Give a little water mixture whiting which then smeared on the skin of the infected phlegm. It would be many ways to process the basil leaves to treat tinea versicolor efficacy done twice a day.

Benefits of Basil To Improve Immune

Beta-carotene which served to increase the antibody response, thus increasing immunity.

Benefits Basil Can Fix Damaged Cells

The content of beta-carotene helps synthetic proteins that support the growth process and can repair damaged cells.

Benefits of Basil To Improve Eyesight

Beta-carotene and provitamin A which may help maintain eye health and improve visual function.

Benefits of Basil For Sperm Quality

The benefits of basil leaves for sperm quality because arginine substances that strengthen sperm vitality so as to prevent infertility.

Benefits of Basil To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

Substances eugenol and apigemin fenkhona that can help improve the quality of erections and prevent premature ejaculation.

Benefits of Basil To Treat Thrush

How to cultivate basil leaves for the benefits of basil leaves in treating canker sores can be done by using about 50 strands that have been washed clean. Furthermore chewed about 3 minutes. After a smooth, basil leaves and drink the water warm. Do it three times a day to treat ulcers benefits of basil leaves to the fullest.

Basil Benefits To Eliminate Nausea and Flu With Easy Ways

How to cultivate basil leaves to benefit relieve nausea and flu is to dry the basil leaves and then brewed like tea. Basil tea drinking water twice a day and the body will recover from the nausea and flu strain came.

Benefits Basil To Relieve Stomach Bloating

How to get the benefits of basil leaves as reliever flatulence is to boil the basil leaves with red onion which is then mixed with coconut oil. The potion immediately applied to the stomach feels bloated.

Benefits Basil To Eliminate Bad Breath

The benefits of basil leaves as reliever bolt mouth is to use seeds, roots and leaves of basil are cleaned and brewed with hot water. The steeping water can be added to honey. Drink every morning before the activity to benefit basil leaves.

Benefits Basil To Diabetes (Lower Blood Sugar)

The benefits of basil leaves as the lowering of blood sugar levels commonly lead to diabetes. Basil leaves can lower blood sugar levels because it contains arginine which has many benefits ranging from lowering blood sugar levels, prevent infertility and extend the life of sperm.

Benefits Basil For Uric Acid

Basil leaves can be useful and efficacious in alleviating your uric acid due to excessive purines. The content of basil leaves that have efficacy alleviate gout you are cineole, myrcene and eugenol as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics.

Benefits Basil To Expel Mosquito

Basil leaves you can use to repel mosquitoes distinctive scent of basil.

Basil Benefits For Acne

Basil leaves can make your face clear of acne annoying. Efficacy basil leaves can accelerate blood circulation so the face becomes healthy, smooth, clean, tight and clean and of course this can be useful in removing pimples on your skin.

Benefits Basil For Erection

Basil leaves benefits for men on manhood that erection can make your durable in sexual relationships. The benefits of basil leaves for erection because the content of apigenin and eugenol fenkona that simplify erection.

Benefits Basil To Get Pregnant
Image From: a57.foxnews.com

Benefits Basil To Get Pregnant

The content of basil leaves that have a property to get pregnant quickly and naturally prevent infertility is anetol and boron compound that serves to stimulate product hormone estrogen, the female hormone.

Benefits Basil To Smooth Breatsmilk

Basil leaves benefits for your baby because the benefits are the basil leaves can be smooth breastmilk, so milk production will increase. How to cultivate basil leaves for the benefit of smooth breatmilk is to smooth the basil leaves, leaf beluntas, turmeric leaves. Squeeze and drinking water juice regularly.

Benefits Basil To Overcome Fatigue

How to make the body stay in shape so you are more excited in the activity is to devour fresh basil leaves together everyday dishes.

Benefits of Basil As Cough Treatment

The benefits of basil leaves as a cough or cough medicine has long been used in Africa and India are processed into tea. How to get the benefits of basil leaves are brewed fresh basil leaves in hot water with a little honey. Drink while warm.

Basil Benefits For Skin Tightening

Vitamin C content of basil leaves elastitas helpful in maintaining the skin and helps the absorption of iron and calcium.

Benefits of Basil For Prevention Blackheads

Blackheads are very disturbing your appearance, and usually a blackhead requires a relatively high cost for the purchase of the products busting blackheads. However, you need not worry anymore with your blackhead because basil has benefits and efficacy in preventing and eliminating blackheads by placing komde side of the nose for 5 minutes. After it off and wash my face.

Basil Benefits For Hair Gray

Basil leaves can be used in preventing gray hair by soaking dried basil leaves powder and amla powder in water overnight and wash hair with the mixture the next morning. The benefits of basil leaves herb prevent graying and hair loss.

Basil Benefits For Hair Loss

Hair loss usually occurs because of itchy scalp. How to prevent hair loss and grow hair loss with the benefits of basil leaves is a paste of basil leaves, written with hair oil and applied to the scalp to keep your scalp cool.

Basil Benefits For Heart Health

From some research basil leaves can be useful in maintaining heart health because it contains beta-carotene, and magnesium. Beta-carotene, and magnesium is a mineral that serves to keep and maintain a healthy heart.

Basil Benefits For Women With Vaginal Discharge
Image From: 360nobs.com

Basil Benefits For Women With Vaginal Discharge

Benefits of basil leaves to overcome white because it contains a compound eugenol which kills the fungi that cause vaginal discharge.

Benefits of Basil To Overcome Stroke

Basil leaves useful in treating stroke by improving blood vessel function artery (artery). Isoflavone content of basil leaves are also found in nuts are also beneficial in improving blood vessel function artery (artery) in stroke patients.

Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Benefits of Earthworm For Health

Benefits of Earthworm For Health
Image From:static.guim.co.uk

Earthworm For Health Benefits - this one is a beast that has a shape that makes some people feel amused or disgusted, but in reverse the appearance of its less favored some people, Earthworms it has many health benefits. In fact, many people are taking her to cure some diseases, with no side effects, making it safe for consumption.

According to the experience and based on people who have had fever or unstable body temperature high and low, using earthworms as traditional medicine, to treat various disorders fever and the like.

Earthworm High Protein

Why Earthworms are referred to as the animals are so many benefits to health ?, In this Articles marcosimoncelli wanted to show about the benefits of earthworms to health as a learning and knowledge together. We need to know, according to some studies that have been conducted, it has been stated that the earthworm is to have a very high source of protein.

Earthworms also contains several amino acids at levels high enough. One of them, the worm Lumbricus rubellus in the know to contain very high levels of protein on average about 76%. The protein concentration was higher when compared with mammalian meat that on average only 65% ??and fish protein containing only an average of 50%.

Read Also: Wow WOw Benefits of Cockroaches

Earthworm Have Anti-Bacterial

According to sources of research that makes earthworms are animals that have health benefits, researchers have proved the existence of antibacterial substances contained in protein ekstrac meat earthworms are able to inhibit the growth of gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenterica, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella thypi , All these of these bacteria is extremely has the potential to interfere with human health, including dysentery, typhoid fever (typhoid, typhus).

Some Earthworm For Health Benefits

Such as clarity over that Earthworms have anti-bacterial and also some other substances as well as the high content of protein, this means creeping earthworm is very good and has benefits as well as utilities that affect the vital organs of the human body.

As for some of the benefits and properties of earthworms to human health are as follows:

  1. Traditional Medicine Typus, typhoid or typhus
  2. Lowering cholesterol levels
  3. Increase endurance (The body's immune system)
  4. Lowering high blood pressure (hypertension)
  5. Increased appetite
  6. Treat gastrointestinal infections caused typhoid, dysentery, diarrhea and other stomach disorders such as heartburn.
  7. Treat diseases such as respiratory tract infections: coughs, asthma, influenza, bronchitis and tuberculosis
  8. Reduce pain due to fatigue or due to arthritis
  9. Lowering blood sugar levels of diabetes
  10. Treating hemorrhoids, exim, allergies, injuries and diseases

That all are based on modern scientific research on the benefits and usefulness of earthworms as an alternative treatment. The discovery of important enzymes that are useful as a medicine, it is verified by the "Professor Shan" from China. In which earthworms have important enzymes in it to some treatment.

How it Works Earthworm as Medicine

The use of earthworms as a medicine is made from a special strain of earthworms with the latest biochemical engineering technology, Plasmin presents three thrombolytic enzymes: fibrinolysin (plasmin), profibrinolysin activator and collagenase. It is non-toxic and good for health and long-term use supposedly without side effects.

Usually earthworms that have been extracted and packed in capsules, when Plasmin is sent to the intestine and begin wrapping the time capsule melt and be absorbed into the circulatory system. It helps maintain a healthy balance between hemolysis and hemostasis, may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems such as ischemic stroke, embolism, thrombus, arteriosclerosis, etc., the risk of diabetic complications including pathological changes of nerve and impaired microcirculation and maintain healthy arterial function also improves blood circulation by opening arteries more perfect.

In addition to extract earthworms It is also very good to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and keep blood sugar levels, reduces blood lipids. It also provides many minerals and vitamins needed by the human body.

Wow WOw Benefits of Cockroaches

Image From:newyorker.com

Cockroaches is an insect of the order Blattodea which consists of approximately 3,500 species in 6 familia. Cockroach found in almost all parts of the world, except in the polar regions.

Among the most notable species are the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which has a length of 3 cm, the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, with a length of ± 1½ cm, and the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai, with a length also about 1 ½ cm. Cockroaches are often regarded as pests in the building, although only a few of thousands of species of cockroaches that are included in this category.

6 Benefits Cockroaches:

1. In general, the accuracy of the test material used as a cockroach insect repellent dose
2. Cockroaches can also be used as a pet. It is kind of cockroach cockroach Madagascar or Madagascar Hissing Cockroach), kira2 price Rp. 12,000 per tail
3. Cockroaches are insects that have memory levels that high, even higher than the dog. Therefore cockroach also be used as a bomb detection ..
4. Scientists in India are now developing an artificial heart technology by using heart cockroaches as a model. This prototype is expected to be an alternative to artificial heart for the less fortunate because the price is cheap
5. Cockroach is also one of the insects with the highest protein content. Therefore cockroach can be eaten with burn way.


1. Cockroaches taste (according your portions and needs)
2. Garlic taste too
3. Salt also taste (depending on the number of cockroach cooked)

How to cook:

Cut the six legs of cockroaches as well as wings. Remove the head. Make a lengthwise incision in the abdomen so that the flavors mingle cockroaches. Mix with onion and salt. Bake until cooked. And ... Voyla! Cockroaches Bake ready to eat!

6. Benefits of cockroaches In the food chain, the cockroach has an important role as a bird food. Bird wallet is one of the birds that feed on cockroaches